Friday, July 20, 2012

10 Commandments

All Home Buyers Should Know Their 10 Commandments.
For the last 6 years I’ve spent 95% of my Wednesday mornings at Hirschi Realtors,
attending our weekly sales meeting. Recently, one of our local lenders came to talk to us about the ever changing lending market and brought with them the

“10 Commandments when Applying for a Mortgage Loan"

Although the below “commandments” are written in a joking manner, there is certainly truth to each one. If you’ve been preapproved to purchase a home, you’ll want to pay close attention…

10 Commandments
when Applying for a Mortgage Loan

Thou shall not change jobs or become self-employed

Thou shall not buy a car, truck or van unless you plan to live in it

Thou shall not use your credit cards or let your payments fall behind

Thou shall not spend the money you saved for your down payment

Thou shall not buy furniture before you buy your house

Thou shall not originate any new inquiries on your credit report

Thou shall not make any large deposits into your bank account

Thou shall not change bank accounts

Thou shall not co-sign for anyone
Thou shall not purchase ANYTHING until after the closing

Looking for a trustworthy local lender? Visit my website and apply online with a local lender of your choice.